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Why We Don’t Even Try: Laziness, Determination and Learned Helplessness
We judge others for their laziness, timidity, inefficiency and lack of determination. But Learned Helplessness can be a better explanation.
When Your Parents Disappoint You: The Difference Between Being Loved, and Being Lovable
How our parents treated us can impact how we feel about ourselves. But a difficult childhood doesn’t mean we have to feel bad forever.
Assert Yourself With Your Children! Communication, Conflict and Parenting
Parent-child conflict can be reduced if we stop trying to control our kids, and start being assertive with them.
Learning to Wait: The Unrecognized Success Factor in Children — and Adults
Teaching kids to delay gratification may be more important than teaching knowledge and skills.
What Do I Do With My ADHD Child? Psychiatry, Counselling and the Medicalization of Emotional Problems
When a child is diagnosed with ADHD, the first solution many doctors propose is medication. It should be the last resort, not the first.
The Deadly Effect of Triangles: The Hidden Influence of Other Family Members on Our Relationships
There are usually at least three people in any two person relationship. Being aware of this can keep our relationships healthy.
The Myth of Laziness — How Anxiety, Depression and Conflict Can Masquerade as Sloth
We all criticize others (and sometimes ourselves) for laziness. Dig deeper, and there’s always something else going on.
The Curse of the Golden Child – Failure, Accomplishment and Self-worth
Some kids seem to have it all going for them. But the Golden Child may be set up for struggles with failure, accomplishment, and self-worth
My Teenager Is A Nightmare, Which Proves They Need Me: Dependency, Love and Adolescent Rebellion
Adolescents are often terrible to their parents. But maybe it’s their need for their parents that makes them so awful.
Your Children Will Always Disappoint You - How To Be A Happy Parent (With Happy Children) Anyway
We have great expectations for our children when they’re born, and that sets us up for disappointment. Here’s how to get some perspective.
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