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Get Angry! (Sometimes): Hurt, Fear, Humiliation and the Use of Anger
Anger can warn you that you’ve been mistreated. Too little anger in your life and you won't recognize when you've been stepped on.
Psychoactive Drugs: How Big Pharma and Psychiatry Have Misled Us
Conventional wisdom is that doctors can safely solve our anxiety, ADHD, depression and psychosis. The truth couldn’t be more different.
Death and Denial: Why We Try To Blame The Victim
Why do so many people ask insensitive questions about someone's untimely death?
How The Science of Mental Health Fails Us: Psychiatrists, Drug Companies and Universities
If a famous psychiatrist, particularly one from a famous university, says something about psychiatric drugs, our reflex is to believe. Watc
Do Antidepressants Work? Mental Health, Money and Medicine
Nearly 13% of Americans took antidepressants in the past month. But do these drugs work better than a placebo?
Assert Yourself With Your Children! Communication, Conflict and Parenting
Parent-child conflict can be reduced if we stop trying to control our kids, and start being assertive with them.
Passive, Aggressive or Assertive? Respecting Others While Respecting Yourself
We all have different styles in dealing with demands from others. Some of those styles exact a heavy toll on us.
Learning to Wait: The Unrecognized Success Factor in Children — and Adults
Teaching kids to delay gratification may be more important than teaching knowledge and skills.
Love, Hate and Hypocrisy: What Psychology Says About Roy Moore
Yet another public figure gets caught doing the opposite of what they’ve preached. Is it hypocrisy? Or is there a better explanation?
Love and Work: The Route to Happiness
There’s no shortage of advice on how to be happy. Perhaps it’s time to look again at what the father of psychology had to say.
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