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Crying in a BMW: Money, Materialism and the Pursuit of Happiness
If all we want is to be happy, why do many of us spend so much time pursuing money & possessions? Understanding is the first step to change.
Hate, Anger and Conflict: Reducing Your Own Stress Through Empathy
We all come across people who make us angry. Whether you fight back, swallow your anger, or subtly take revenge, there’s a cost to you.
Finding an English-Speaking Counsellor in Hong Kong: A How-To Guide
If you're looking for a counsellor, you could pick a name out of a Google search. Here's a more thoughtful approach.
What Do I Do With My ADHD Child? Psychiatry, Counselling and the Medicalization of Emotional Problems
When a child is diagnosed with ADHD, the first solution many doctors propose is medication. It should be the last resort, not the first.
Sex, Shame and the Myth of Normality
Society tells us what “normal” sexual behavior and feelings are. And there’s a lot of guilt and shame around not fitting in perfectly.
Social Climbing and the Meaning of Life: Insecurity, Anxiety and Self-Knowledge
People show off their latest acquisitions and their taste for the finer things. It's a poor solution to anxiety, insecurity and unhappiness.
Promotions, Raises and Anxiety: Managing Work Stress By Managing Yourself
We have little control over what rewards come from our company. That’s stressful. Manage that stress by focusing on what can be controlled.
The Deadly Effect of Triangles: The Hidden Influence of Other Family Members on Our Relationships
There are usually at least three people in any two person relationship. Being aware of this can keep our relationships healthy.
How Does Psychotherapy Work?
Therapy works -- there's no question about that. But why? And what school of therapy is best for you?
Avoiding Toxic Relationships: Intimacy, Marriage and the Unconscious
Understanding how we pick the wrong romantic partner, and how we play into toxic patterns with them will help you to avoid the same problem.
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